Home news Had a great vacation? Get the most out of the autumn! New...

Had a great vacation? Get the most out of the autumn! New dates and workshops tickets are now available!


Learn 3 times faster starts the beginning of the new season with a series of new events, workshops and lectures.

Dive into #extremelearning today and book your tickets now

On the 5th and 6th of September Florian Rooz will be in Amsterdam hosting two Extreme Learning evening workshops (one in English, one in Dutch). The location is set to Loetje aan het IJ for the moment, but this may change depending on the group size. They workshops will start 18:15 (as we have gotten many requests for evening workshops) and will end around 22:15.

In these in-depth workshops Florian will explain the full methodology of extreme learning and there is ample room for Q & A. Also he will be happy to sign books afterwards.

Tickets can be purchased here

More about the workshop:

Meet the creator of the “Extreme Learning” methodology and writer of “How to learn anything 3 times faster” in this series of Extreme Learning workshops. Florian gives a crash course in his Extreme Learning methodology to an exclusive small group of 40 participants. Extreme learning is a radically different way of learning that harnesses the full potential of our natural (child like) ability to learn. Making it surprisingly easy to learn, whatever it is you need or want to learn, 3 times faster.

Laura Dekker (youngest person to solo sail around the world) on extreme learning and Florian Rooz: “I’m so relieved to see I’m not the only person who thinks like this!”

Have you ever…

– wished you could learn new skills much faster?
– felt you didn’t get the most from your education?
– feel like your kids are having trouble or may not be reaching their full potential in school?
– dropped out of a study or course completely frustrated or disillusioned, even –
though you know you would have loved to complete it?
– wondered why you seem to be great at learning stuff in general, but in school or any institutional education places you somehow suck at it?
– feel so overwhelmed or demotivated by your experiences in schools so far, that you just try to avoid getting any new education altogether?
– feel a lack of education is fundamentally holding you back in life?

With the skill of Extreme learning, you can leave all of these problems and frustrations behind you. Join the workshop and prove to yourself quickly that you can learn, even very complicated new skills, very very quickly

How to prepare?

You don’t need any prep, but of course it helps if you have read the book (available here on paperback or at any on-line bookstore and ebook platform).

Seats are very limited so reserve you seat as soon as possible.


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