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New amazing review by painter Valeria Rudchenko

Today a very nice review came out by Valeria Rudchenko which I gladly share with you: "Whenever you're stuck or life sucks - learn a new...

New dates for the Extreme Learning Master course in November. Sign up today!

The next Extreme Learning Master courses are scheduled for the 16th and 30th of November. Learn the most effective general learning strategy 'Extreme Learning"...
learn 3 times faster master course

De start van onze missie in het basis en voortgezet onderwijs 2019-2020

2019 was een bewogen jaar, met de publicatie van het Nederlandstalige boek 'Zo leert u alles 3 keer sneller', de lecture tour in samenwerking...

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Extreme Learning Lecture @ OBA announced with Florian Rooz (25th of January) Registration now...

Happy to announce I'll be speaking (3 hour lecture) at the Amsterdam Public Library (OBA) on the 25th of January. This is a Free...

Florian Rooz on National Geographic channel (New documentary series)

Extreme learning opens doors. If you've read the book or attended one of the workshops, you've heard plenty of examples of fast achievement. Yet,...
5 star review of How to learn anything 3 times faster

First 5 star review on

Good news! Just recieved a first 5 star review on (Hollands biggest on-line bookstore). Would you like to write a review also and help...

Florian Rooz gives #ExtremeLearning lecture at TQ amsterdam 21st of June

On the 21st of June Florian Rooz will be giving a lecture at TQ Amsterdam (door opens 9:45 - lecture 10:00 to 11:00). TQ...

Radio interview over Extreem leren met Florian Rooz op Schagen FM (Dutch spoken)

Kunnen we echt alles 3 KEER sneller leren? Kunnen alleen jonge mensen Extreem Leren? Is er een fundamenteel verschil met huidig onderwijs? Deze en...

Florian Rooz speaking at AHOY Rotterdam during KING Connect event 20th of April!

On the 20th of April Florian Rooz will be giving a lecture on extreme learning during the King Connect event in Ahoy Rotterdam. The...